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We need another, I'm talking a whole list, maybe with different starts to make different character arcs ourselves

The game follows a linear story. Unfortunately, what you're asking is for a game outside the scope of what I can achieve as a solo developer.

omg I love it!!

Is this game available on Steam?


It's still being worked on at the moment 😊 I'll make an announcement when it'll be available on Steam – likely by next year Q1.

God, i cant belive i tried this game. i love it!!! (in chapter 5 as i write this) this needs more recognition. love you game developer

Thank you so much for playing! I'm so happy you're enjoying the game!!


i was so immerse in the story that i cried when we found mama 😿😿 ANYWAYS, I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH!!! delicious, scrumptious, and brought tears to my eyes. im looking forward for more chapters


Thank you for playing and I'm so glad you're enjoying the game πŸ’– There won't be more chapters added to the public demo. I'm currently working on the final chapter so if you can't wait for the full release, you can always join my Patreon to play the rest of the chapters as they're completed.


So, once it's done will the game be fully released to the public or no?

Yes, as a paid game.

10/10 this is one of the best stories ive read! Such a good game and i cant wait for it to be done. When the full game is released will it be available on android? I would love to be able to download it once its done, but i dont have a PC

Thank you so much πŸ’– I'll have to see how well the game does before deciding on an android release since it costs money to host the game on different stores. It'll be released on Steam when completed but it is technically designed for PC only at the moment.

Hello i wanted to ask how many chapters will the full game have? (Just a random question that i thought about rn and sorry if you already answered this question somewhere else or even here in the comments somewhere, also sorry for my grammar it may not be the best since English is not my first language)


Hi, it'll be 12 chapters excluding the prologue and epilogue 😊 I'm currently working on Chapter 11 which should be completed this month then I'll start work on Chapter 12. There's still a lot of edits to complete but my aim is to complete everything for a late 2025 to early 2026 release.


Because you indicated you were hoping for feedback when you made the two chapters public: it seemed like an oversight that I could thwart the alliance with the nomads by murdering my duel opponent and then it… just not come up again. At all.


The option is there for role-playing purposes. It does have consequences for Chapter 12 and it is mentioned again when you return to Ishari but no one is going to hold it against the MC because the Nomad Tribes and Ishari have been clashing against each other for years. If you follow Anu's path, you're there to gather information on their weaknesses, not to build an alliance. Wars can be won in more than one way – at this point, people don't have time to sit around and mope about failures/lost chances because of the battle that's coming. I hope that clears it up for you! Please note this is also a first draft. Some scenes are bare-bones right now and will be fleshed out during edits.


That was DELICIOUS! i got to both destiny with two mc and was shooked on both of them! Plot thickening! Even more! Lol.

you have my gratitude for allowing us to hate Salyra and love her despite everything and everything in between. I loved both routes. In both I can't hate Rana, but still its good that we can. I love this IF exactly for it allows mc many emotions or none at all. 

Our cousin is troubled young man and I hope that gentle approach to him will help... but I also don't think that this is always the answer. We'll see. I WAS HOPING THAT MY FAMILY JUST VISITING BUT ALAS this turn of events made my mc feral. Also Ama's initiative was not something I expected, and I loved uncle's reaction. I love him. I'm glad that mc can connect with that part of the family, I'm glad that mc can move on. It's not easy and not for everyone, but its here as an option and it's wonderful. 

As for romances IRUS I'VE MISSED YOU. still funny that he is the main RO for me. Well, what can I say, I'm here for trauma bonding (same parental situation! Same struggle) and for equally fun flirting. And devotion. And gay sex. I can go on like this.

Loved new information about world and our companions.

I'm glad that you had an opportunity to show us special content. Thank you very much! Will be here, waiting to buy full (eventually) game.

Thank you so much for playing and I'm so happy you enjoyed it! I'm glad you're enjoying the range of emotions available and being able to hate on Salyra. Some of my favourite scenes to write are the angsty ones with her πŸ˜…

Zikar will be hurting for a while. The war has been affecting everyone differently and Part 4 is where you start to see how people are changing.

Irus is definitely a fan fave for a reason πŸ˜‹

Thanks for playing!

(1 edit) (+1)

Loved the "new" chapters. Salyra hate was excellent. Only little issue i had was the scene where Rana is hiding from the bullies, i would have loved a way to simply leave without interacting, but that's just a minor issue.

Also few minor issues i found:

"Cotten" should be "cotton", unless it's a material i haven't heard about.


Dena got wrong prounoun


I think there is a word missing here



I'm glad you enjoyed Chapters 9 and 10! A lot of the scenes aren't fully fleshed out as yet. My main focus is getting the full game completed then I'll go back during edits to add more choices and flesh out certain scenes 😊 Thanks for the grammar/spelling issues! It's not my focus right now, as I'll fix them during edits but these are helpful!


love this if so much you have no idea prince irus just does stuff to me. wishing men were realπŸ’”

anyways could someone send the link for β€œfar away from home acoustic ver”because the links aren’t working for me:(( it’s so nice and beautiful I NEED IT

Sorry for the late reply! I just realised thr link doesn't work when I tested it myself. Here's the song.

(1 edit) (+2)

I really loved the story... One day I'll see the full storyπŸ™‚β€β†•οΈπŸŒΈ

And thanks for the demonstration πŸ’–


Thank you! Hopefully the full game will be out by the end of 2025 if all goes well 😊


Ahhhh, catching up on the update was so exciting!! Thank you!! I'm so eager for what happens next πŸ™‡πŸ»β€β™€οΈ


Im so glad you enjoyed it! Some rescuing and final battles ensue so just two more chapters and the game will be done 😊


Wonderful news! Thank you! Will be here waiting for access to some chapters haha πŸ₯°πŸ˜Š


Just over 24 hours to go 😊


I can't wait for the day the game fully out and I can finally buy them! Great story and I'm completely hooked up when I first download the demo version! 

Thank you so much! I'm so happy you're enjoying the game πŸ’–


hi,do you have a Steam page?

I do, but it's not set up as yet for the game.


I've played the demo multiple times and I also follow your tumblr, but I've been so busy working I haven't had time to see about any new updates.

Dena.... is going to be a LI!?!?!? Wooooo!!!! I've loved him since he helped Aena (my MC) out when she was younger. Mwah! 

However, Irus will always have a special place in my heart. He's such a good LI. 

Now I'm off to play Sir Oren's route again! Lol. I may end up getting the patreon later on just to get the updates. XD But I will definitely be paying for the full IF once it's finished. :) 


Thank you so much for playing! I fell in love with Dena the moment I write that scene in the prologue then I instantly thought, gosh, wouldn't it be nice to smooch Dena so here we are πŸ˜†

Some good news on the horizon, the demo will be available for a limited time in December up until Chapter 10 so if you're tight on cash, you can always wait until 21 December.


amazing story, can't believe it took me playing like fifty other IFs to reach this lol

Thank you! I'm so glad you found your way to the game and enjoyed it πŸ’–


Definitely one of the best IF's I've ever played! I've been hooked on it for the past couple of days, and while it is unfortunate that the public demo only extends to Chapter 8, I'm looking forward to seeing how the rest of the chapters turn out!

(Yap session below, read at your own expense πŸ™‚ )

As I stated previously, this is one of the IF's I've ever played! Everything, from the plot, to the music, and the writing was done to a T! I loved the descriptive words, and it was clear that you put a ton of effort into this IF, it puts most others on this website to shame.

As far as the characters (companions in specific) go, I absolutely loved their personalities, and I was conflicted as to who I should romance (at least in the early chapters, 3-4 I believe), since I liked Iri, Sir Oren, and Ellie, both as romance options and characters! (Iri my beloved πŸ˜‡ I didn't have it in me to flirt with all three, it felt wrong 😭)

I could honestly go on and on about everything that I liked about the game, but if I did, this comment would probably take up half the page. But it was worth every hour of my time, and I hope that I'll be able to buy the full game when it gets released! You're a great author, and I hope nothing but the best for you!


Thank you so much for your lovely comment! I'm so happy you enjoyed what was available to play in the public demo. I'm already working on Chapter 11 out of 12, so hopefully the full game will be available in the next year or so.

I'm so pleased you enjoyed the writing! I've always enjoyed fantasy and political stories but I was afraid of writing my own, so this was a leap of faith for me. It helps that I love ancient history so research wasn't as boring as some might think. I think Irus has always been a fan favourite and he continues to be a fan favourite. I love him to bits so it's good to know you do too! And I'm happy you enjoyed the different personalities of the ROs.

Thank you again for playing and if you ever have any questions, comments or feedback, feel free to reach out here or through my Tumblr.


hold onnn this game comes with music? lorddd i'm already hooked !!! trust me, i WILL be buying this game once it fully comes out 


Thanks so much! The music is all from Pixabay 😊


Loved this story, Saw the fact that chap8 is the last free one and was wondering. How close is the game to completion and how much will it eventually be?


Thank you! I've just completed the first draft of Chapter 10, so I'll say with edits, it'll be released by the end of 2025 or in early 2026. I don't know how much the full game will be until I finalise everything but it'll likely between $10 - $12.


I see, Thank you for the info and best of luck!

Absolutely wonderful story. I will be awaiting your next update.


Thank you! There won't be any further updates to the public demo. The game is still ongoing and the plan is to have it released on Steam 😊

(2 edits)

Ok :D. I am willing to wait 1-2 years for it.


I've never been as addicted to an IF as I was to this one. I'm truly obsessed. Irus has my heart ❀️.

About our mother, I just can't swallow what she does. I mean, no visits? She may have sent letters and everything, but like, how about you show up for your son maybe?? She had enough time to start another family, it's not possible that she didn't have time to give us some sign. I'm not going to blame my stepsister or my mother's husband, after all they had nothing to do with her decision not to look for us. My sister is lovely and my mother's husband seems like a nice person, so I can have a friendly relationship with him. But honestly I don't see myself forgiving my mother, like, you haven't looked for me this whole time but you want me to be completely open now that you've shown up? No, I feel too frustrated just thinking about it. Besides, if I can't accept this, I wonder what will happen to our uncle, cousin, and grandmother. They all still think about her, but she never gave them a single sign. Anyway, I'm just really frustrated with her haha, mainly because she doesn't seem to accept Irus very much, and if she says something against it, then we're really going to have problems πŸ—£οΈ.

I saw that the public demo will no longer be updated until the IF is completed. Unfortunately I can't pay the patreon to read more, so I'll have to be patient until the completion πŸ™. Which makes me wonder if you have already decided how many chapters IF will have? I would really like to know that. I really loved the story, the characters, just everything. I wish you much success and please continue creating more IFs, you are very talented.

All the best to you ~❀️


Thank you so much for playing and I'm glad you're enjoying the game πŸ’–

Salyra disapproves the most of Irus and Elora as romance options for the MC just because she sees them as bad πŸ˜… The Vinia family do reappear and make their views clear so you'll get to see that in the full game.

The game will eventually only be available on Steam so expect a post on that sooner to its completion. There will be twelve chapters in total, excluding the prologue and epilogue. Even if you can't join my Patreon, you can always follow my Tumblr for updates and more information.


Have you considered commissioning an actual artist to draw your character art instead of AI art?


Art is already commissioned and has been changed in the Patreon demo and on my Tumblr main post. I'll only update the public demo and page once I put up the edited and revised demo before the game's release.


Good to know, thank you. I realize that came off as confrontational, but as an artist myself, that is what was keeping me from trying this game.


It's okay. You don't have to try the game if the current art will bother you or keep you from wanting to play it 🌸


Hey the story is coming along well πŸ˜€, I accidentally sent an unfinished bug report 🀣 I'm killing myself laughing 


That's okay! Im really only tackling bugs/grammar fixes during the edits so feel free to send it again.

Okay cool and actually I screenshoted the errors is there a way to send those or just text?


You can add them here in the comments for me to take a look 😊


πŸ‘ all of them are in chapter 7-8 

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you! Are these bugs or spelling/grammar errors? I'm not fixing those until edits - only game-breaking bugs for now 😊


A very well thought out plot. I am pleased to know that the female ROs have a similar level of depth in them as the male ones. With so many otome games filling up this genre, I was apprehensive at first. It still saddens me that the 2nd female RO was very late in her appearance, and I had to spend my time stuck with 2 dudes, with Elora as the only exit lol. But I appreciate the game regardless.

One more thing I liked that you didn't force us to reconcile with Salyra as a good old protagonist. She's a hypocrite and I enjoyed tormenting her. I liked the morally ambiguous Dena as well.

As others have pointed out, a breakup system would be good if you decide to put it on. I liked my grandmother's family too, she was quite supportive :). Thanks for writing this game, Ramona. I was saddened when it ended, and I look forward for more :D.


Thank you for playing and leaving a comment! Originally, only Irus and Elora were going to be ROs but then it spiralled out of control πŸ˜… Anu is part of the main plot, so while her appearance is late, I wasn't going to add a female RO just to add another female RO. Hopefully Dena's extended scenes in the prologue makes up for it.

I don't think I'll be implementing a break-up system because of the amount of extra work it would take and it would mean more variations and scenes that don't affect the plot of the game. The game takes place over a few months and ends after the conclusion of the war so if you do choose to break up with someone, it'll come up in the epilogue but not before that. And since this is a stand-alone game, it's not going to play out in future plots.

Thank you again for giving the game a try! 🩷


In the future, if we're courting someone... can we dump them to date Dena?


I still haven't decided if I'm going to add break-ups to the game because it requires extra flavour text and dialogue. At the moment, it'll probably be that only if you're single, you can be with Dena when you meet again so stay single for now πŸ˜…


Staying single for chapters on end for my childhood crush... easier said than done, but I'll do it... Thank you for your response, Ramona! Excited to hold out for him upon release.


You're welcome πŸ’– I'll be adding romance interactions with Dena and expanding the scenes from the prologue so hopefully the single life won't be too long or painful for your MC πŸ˜…

I thought almost the same thing XD

When i first played the game i didn't look at who the ROs are so when Dena came i was like yep They are the one

But then i somehow ended up romancing Elora... And when i saw That Dena is back well, gotta stay loyal but that still won't stop me from romancing Dena in another save when the full game is out


I am thrilled to have found this game, and I am eagerly awaiting the finished product! (And Dena's route!) Found some typos that I will submit to the form.


Thank you so much! Im happy you're enjoying the game πŸ’– Based on my current pace of writing, I'm hopeful to have the full game finished by the end of next year so keep a look out for announcements 😊


This question plagues me. Is it spelled Prince [ayrus] or Prince [eerus]


You mean the pronunciation? It's 'Ee-ris' 😊

(1 edit) (+5)

I have a question: Is Dena a RO or not?

(For some reason i still haven't played it again to know that πŸ˜… so I'm asking instead, even tho I'm going to play the game again-)


Dena is going to be an RO in the full game 😊 But for the current demo, Dena's romance route isn't implemented as yet.

Okey thank you for the info! πŸ˜„ The Demo is awesome, gotta buy the game one day :)


Thank you so much! I'm still working on the game at the moment but I hope to have everything ready by next year. Do follow my Tumblr if you want updates.

(1 edit) (+2)(-20)

May I ask Ramona something? Has the queen Elora had a lover before? And who took the queen Elora's first time? If it's not both, then she gave her first time to the main character? I'm really curious And would like to know the answer. I don't really like the main character's wife having her first time with someone else, But I will accept with the answer I received if possible.

Who would be that lucky? Don't tell me its MC's cousin....I will not accept that answer. I wouldn't buy the game if it was that bad. I can't accept that her first time isn't the main character. I've read more than 1000 manhua(Chinese manga) and it's not strange if I didn't accept.

 Queen Erola didn't say it was her first time and said to MC "you could have spent your first time with anyone" Which makes me even more curious. Plus, it was easy to insert without pain. Or is the main character's thing too small? If the answer I get is that her first time is MC. I will definitely buy the full game just for Queen Erola. If I get an answer that would be great.


It was not Queen Flora's first time. She's has casual lovers before. To hold something like that against a character seems rather superficial. Everyone has a past and Elora wasn't going to wait around for the MC who she only met a few months before the game started. There is NOTHING romantic between Zikar and Elora so no need to stress πŸ˜… 

(19 edits) (+1)(-10)

Thank you. I just wonder how someone like Queen Erola could have a lover in the past. And there are still doubt about how they broke up. And who is that person and where has he gone.

she never mentioned it. But it's okay anyway. 

I might read too much xianxia novelsπŸ˜…

 I must be a little....Too tired and sleepy from work That is why I wrote this comment about the Queen Elora without thinking at all. I usually think more than 30 times before doing something.

After waking up I wanted to delete the comment but you had already read it. 

I will not visit itch io after returning from work again Before doing something pointless or nonsense in comment sectionπŸ˜…


you're really weird, in a very creepy way. 


I was thinking the exact same thing. This dudes a bit questionable


I felt disgusted reading that comment, and elora isn't even a real person but I do feel sorry for her πŸ˜…

(6 edits) (+9)(-4)

This is my Last Comment. Let's be honest, the love story between the MC's mother and her new husband is very trash. The reason she loves him because he's different from everyone else, that's all. makes me think of the anime named "Erased" 

But in this game, the MC's father betrays his country, betrays everyone, Sacrificed everything, for her alone. and what her new husband does is just different from everyone else....WTF! Poor MC's father. MC's father didn't deserve that. He deserve better. I include our MC.


Danzor was an Ishari warrior and he knew Salyra as children - plus they had a relationship before Salyra met Ahlf. The circumstances surrounding Ahlf and Salyra's love story is questionsble at best but I wont spoil anything since it comes up in later chapters depending on your choices πŸ˜‰


"I will miss you dearly," Mama whispers. "I will pray to Ehulla to guide you safely on your journey, Rubari." You open your mouth to respond, but Mama turns away first.

Not even a single comfort. There should be an option to say "You are so busy feeling guilty and sadness that you forget that I am suffering too. You keep thinking that you sacrificed so much to protect me but you forget that I also suffer. You never think about the consequences of your actions, even though every action you take only makes things worse. "  I want to know how his mother will react.

 She always walks away from our MC, There wasn't even any comfort. She often acts sad after the MC tells the truth About how much her actions affected him. Everything she did is to protect MC? Everything she did to the MC just made the MC suffer, so what now? He still had to fight against what his mother was trying to fight. Everything that the MC's mother does is in vain. All in order to leave the MC and go have a new family. I, who played the main character, did not accept her new husband. I really wanted the MC's mother to feel more and more guilty Until she regrets all her choices and all her actions. She shouldn't have a new family. That's what our MC wants. 


Salyra is a complicated character with narcissistic tendencies so you're never going to get that satisfying comeback in the early chapters of meeting her. She's not someone who will sit idly by and take criticism but is very good at dishing it out. You're not going to get the closure you might want with her route - she is a bad/ggood mother depending on your playthrough πŸ˜…

Deleted 235 days ago
(2 edits) (+5)(-6)

"She was a blessing when everything seemed terrible," Danzor murmurs. "We are grateful to have had Rana." -Chapter 7 Do you think I'm stupid? How many times have you explode inside my mama? I guess he had too much fun with the MC's mama and forgot about protection or explode outsideπŸ˜‚ The main character also says "A blessing?" you scoff. "There is nothing miraculous about bedding each other."" -Chapter 7 and I agreed with Rubari. I'm beginning to not be sure if I can continue to trust Mama.

 It should be made into a meme on reddit if there's a community for this game out there.


what a weirdo

Deleted 201 days ago

This world is full or weirdo, my friend.  You can find them everywhere.

(1 edit)

May I ask who the woman on the cover is? if she is a character in this game, who is she? Can someone please tell me which game she is from? And what is her name? The visual style reminds me of a lot of games. 


That's the main character wearing a hooded cloak, so it's not necessarily a woman πŸ˜‹ The cover was designed by an artist for the game's official cover.

(3 edits) (+1)(-6)

It would have been better if there had been a picture of the main character standing alone among hundreds of corpses with his back to the camera, showing the character who had been through a lot. Along with a picture of him as an innocent and happy 5 year old, he was happy with his mother. Compare with the first picture. You will see a lot of character development and more clarity. "this is the masterpiece" The cover of the game is very well made and fits the story perfectly. I never thought I'd find a good game like this. 


Thank you! I trued to make the character as gender-neutral as possible so that all players could imagine that the character on the cover is them. It's supposed to represent the end war scenes of the game's conclusion 😊

(4 edits) (+2)

My first thought when I found out that Mama already move on:

"I'll burn this planet down." along with music "Me and The Devil. Walking side by side🎢" I rate this game 11/10. I accidentally pressed in this game. who would have thought that I would end up with a masterpiece? I was so enjoying the story that I forgot to look at the time.

Thank you! πŸ₯°

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