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(1 edit)

hi Ramona,

was thinking of supporting you and the game on patreon, but i have some questions:

will talking about the 5€ tier

1.) are the once-a-month sidestories retroactive avaiable? so will i have access to all past stories if i support now?

2.) commisions are like: you ask an artist for something & pay, then the artist deliever, right? if so, what does early access mean in that context?

im sure you hear it enough, but it still amazes me how captivating your writing is. last time i played was when chapter 8 was released, and 1.) im sure i could roughly retell the story from memory and 2.) can still "conjure up" the hate i had towards the mother of MC.


The $5 tier gives you early access to new scenes of the demo when they're available, one NPC side story and one RO side story, as well as sneak peeks and the ability to vote in polls on decisions for the game.

1. Yes, all rewards/benefits are automatically retroactive on Patreon. If you join, you get access to everything from the very first thing that was posted for the tier you join.

2. Early access means you get access to the demo when it's available. Because you're not only paying for the demo - sometimes there won't be updates in a month due to the size and time it takes to write and code the demo, you'll only get access to the side stories and sneak peeks. I'm a writer, not an artist, so this isn't a commission type of benefit, it's an early access to the demo when it is available to play. Because the demo isn't going to be shared with the public until its final release on Steam, early access in this case means you're getting to play the game's scenes in development up until the epilogue.

Hope this answers you! 😊

yes, thank you for your answers.




I'm glad you found it 😅 That's why you should add it to your library so you don't lose it.

Deleted 170 days ago
Deleted 170 days ago

just finished all the current chapters and i definitely enjoyed it! i can say the strained relationship dynamic between the MC and our mother hit CLOSE to home so i could relate. 

i am deeply in love with irus as well <3

Thank you so much and I'm so happy to know you enjoyed what's available to play 😊💖 I'm glad you were able to relate to the strained family dynamics! It's something that comes out throughout the game. Thanks again for playing!

(2 edits) (+1)


Love the story! Ellie is best girl! And Irus is such a bro! Looking forward to another playthrough with Anu after I finish my current one

Thank you! I'm so glad you're enjoying it 😊


I haven't played the game much yet but the story is incredible! I just reached Chapter 2 and im already enjoying it! Keep up the great work!

(1 edit)

Thank you! You'll be able to go up to Chapter 8 in the public demo. I'm glad you're enjoying what's available so far! 😊💖

(2 edits) (+1)

Kind of a spoiler

In the first 7 chapters i was wondering: Are we ever going to meet D (I will call em D cause the gender can be different for some players) ? And when we did my reaction was just 😲(Wha-) 😀(D!!!) 😯 (Wait what I wasn't expecting them to appear-) 😀 (But I'm happy for that)🤨 (Wait so D Is actually beck for some time?!)😁jsijwjdh (awesome)

also i knew i would get addicted to this game, the writing, character, drama! Love it so much, I want to play more but sadly i can't download the game. It was fun playing the 1st chapters tho, Maybe in soms years i will come upon this game again and download it since the plot is fascinating and the characters are well made :)


Ah thank you for playing! Dena's name remains the same regardless of gender so no need for spoilers 😋 The public demo only goes up to Chapter 8 and the current Patreon demo is on the beginning of Chapter 10. There will be a download link when the full game is released on Steam. Thank you for playing and for your support!

Okey! At first i thought that the mc would never meet Dena again XD but they did

And thank you for the informations. I will make sure to find this game again in the future and play it! 😄 


Irus has me in a chokehold, and I love playing shy mc's so.. its a win for me. Can't wait for it to be finished. I'll be eagerly waiting. Irus supremacy!


Thank you for playing! I'm so happy that Irus has you enamoured 😊 I do hope you give the other ROs a try too while you wait for more Irus scenes 😆


Do you guys think Salyra deserves her child's forgiveness? Even if she doesn't deserve it, would it be good for the MC to forgive her?


It's up to you as a player to decide 😋 You can create two different playthroughs to see whether the forgiveness path is worth playing.

I love this game!  Congratulations on the fabulous work!  It's incredible, I just have a few suggestions: please, in the next updates, try to make Salyra have more affection for her son.  I feel like she still leaves him a little aside, for example at the mother and son reunion, she greets him, but then says goodbye saying that her other family needs her, however, and about the eldest son who she hasn't seen in a long time. TWO DECADES?  He also needed her due to the shock and so many years of absence.  I feel there is different treatment on Salyra and Amma's part between Rana and MC.  It will never be Rana's fault, she is just an innocent child.  But let's try to make Salyra redeem herself even more (she owes it to the MC) and treat her son better, of course I noticed that she loves him, but there are still loose ends.  Obviously, these are not suggestions of mandatory choices, just a path of choices.  Let's try to save Sal and her son's relationship.  And please, make Salyra forget Danzor a little and focus more on her son.  I emphasize, it is just a path that can be followed, nothing mandatory.  My MC is male.  Sorry, my English isn't the best.  BUT SERIOUSLY, PLEASE CONTINUE THIS AMAZING WORK, I LOVE IT.  I'M A FAN!

But, of course, these are just suggestions and opinions.    It's only up to you as the author of this incredible work to decide how to proceed with the next updates :)

Hi, thank you so much for playing ❤  Unfortunately, there will be no update for the public demo. The game will only available once it's completed. My Patreon continues to receive new chapters but these are still not the edited version which will (eventually) be available on Steam.

Salyra's responses are who she is as a character. Adding more affection or love removes that part of her character and will be a completely different story. I didn't set out to write a happy family with lots of love and emotional maturity so I'm afraid, she won't change very much. Some people just don't change in real life and that's true for Salyra.

None of the parental figures are going to change - especially when they're not parents of the year 😅 If you've hoped for an emotionally distant/emotionally constipated parent to be more loving, you'll know it doesn't just happen (it sometimes rarely happens).

Thank you for playing and I hope you understand!

Of course! Thank u! :)


I really loathe her character. She is so infuriating, i don't understand her reasoning most of the times.


If you're familiar with narcissistic mothers, it'll explain why she does what she does 😅

(1 edit)

In my head I always justified her decision, "Oh she is is just misunderstood character." But, damn. Sis really make me hard to relate with her 💀

You don't have to relate to her. You can choose to hate her instead 😆


No way I can forgive her! She abandoned us! At first I was hopeful and looking forward to find her and reunite, but seeing what she has been doing this whole time really set me off. TWENTY YEARS. And all that time I could have been chilling in Vinia?? Maybe visiting pops at his cozy little cottage in sleepy Salt Bay every now and then?!

(1 edit) (+6)


*sigh* i don't get why the mom nvr even sent someone to check on us? In 15 hears? Couldn't she have at least hired someone like lord randall to check? Or maybe at least a clear apology and admitting she must have left her to an aweful childhood? Or at least that she fcked up? 

Ugh this has got my heart in knots! 

She received Ahlf's letters which told her the MC is fine and better off in Cyre. She also couldn't up and leave Ishari while Erlan was alive because he would have likely killed her for plot reasons that will be revealed in Part 4 😋 Still, you're free to feel upset about her lack of visits etc. She's by no means a perfect mother.


No i get that i just meant even cps has welfare checks beyond what the parents fill out in a form...i don't think salyra could have visited but if someone is like"sure ur kids fine no u can't talk to them" like kids die that way all the time, my grandmother does social work with foster children and adoption. Also hiring someone to check wouldn't have put her at risk would it? The hired person wouldn't even have to make contact...but point taken i guess...


This is a fantasy game based off of ancient civilizations so unfortunately there aren't such things as social workers or welfare checks, I'm afraid 😅


Is the full game out yet •^• 

I'm very nosey 🤣

Unfortunately, we're about 1-2 years from it's full completion 😅 Chapter 9 is available to play on my Patreon, but there's still three more chapters and an epilogue to go and the average word count per chapter has been steadily increasing the closer to the end of the game so expect a bit of a wait.

damn I'll wait for the full game 

I hope there's a chance of starting a family because drama stuff can happen 🤣

Unfortunately you can't start a family in the game, it's not part of the scope of the plot but there will be separate DLCs for marriage and children 😊


yay drama ^^

A marriage DLC???????????? bless you!!


Since the main game ends after the conclusion of the plot, there wouldn't really be a look towards what happens after so I thought a wedding DLC would be nice to have 😊


(First of all, English isn't my first language, so some things might be worded the wrong way!)

I cannot put into words how much I like this game. The MC is so well-written, and there are so many choices to choose from. You can be bold or shy, downright spiteful and rude or openly kind and caring. The four love interests are also very diverse (Irus, the prince, Elora, the queen, sir Oren, and Anu). Everyone shares different qualities, Irus is cocky and almost arrogant at first, maybe just a bit more distant. Queen Elora isn't afraid to use us if it benefits our kingdom, but she still has a kind side to her. Sir Oren is probably my favourite, mostly because of his love and care for children, and the way he turns shy when you're bold with him! And Anu, of course. She started opening up kind of quickly with me, and I really enjoyed interacting with her.

And our parents. Oh my god, the rage I felt when I found out that Salyra only had us with Alf to stop the war. Not only was that stupid, but she didn't even think about the child after she left us with Alf. How did girl as an Ishari even pull a blood guard? 😦

And I have one question as well. Is it possible to sleep with Sir Oren? I know that Queen Elora and Prince Irus have steamt scenes, but I played through Sir Oren's route, but I havent been able to get those scenes.


Thank you so much for playing the game! 😊 And your English is fine, so don't worry about it.

I'm really glad you're enjoying the main gang so far! I tried to make them as different from each other as I could without making them too cliché with their roles so it means a lot that you're enjoying them. Anu mostly hates Irus, so she has no issue with becoming friends with the MC – especially after learning that tge MC is Salyra's child.

There's a separate Patreon side story that explains everything between Ahlf and Salyra's relationship. There's one on how they met, one on how they got together and even a few on them raising the MC. Their story isn't really explored in the game because like the MC, players will be left trying to find answers to something no one wants to answer.

All ROs (including Dena) will have steamy scenes. Oren is a slowburn romance – it takes him a while before he feels comfortable enough to want a relationship with the MC and once you get his lock-in point (Chapter 10), expect some steamy scenes 😋

Thank you again for your support! 💖

Alright, thanks!! 🌸🫶 It's an amazing IF, so that's the reason why I commented in the first place

….yup. Called it. lol The moment I saw Queen Elora in the RO list, I knew she would be the one my baby character ended up with. Gorgeous AND crafty/intelligent — with the possibility of manipulating my MC for the good of her Kingdom? Say. Less.

Cue: me finishing demo, and Ellie is my Entire short wife. What can I say - I know my type. (Also - not to be vulgar - but I freakin CHEERED seeing you write intimate/steamy scenes WELL. That is a GIFT, my friend. No one wants to wait 50 chapters ‘will they/won’t they’ only to get *fart noise* of a first time. Well done.)

But I have to give you more flowers: Not only for making an awesome character like Elora - but depth-filled characters in general. They could easily all be stereotypes; but you really do well at showcasing what makes them who they are (even if they’re awful people). Your work on the MC is my favorite though. I think a tragic main is nothing new at this point — but what sets yours apart are the choices for how the MC can feel about it. And you actually have them Explore their trauma (if they have it - mine certainly does), like: ‘oh crap - maybe I’m not okay…’

More kudos: You got me to play a (primarily) shy girlie — which does Not happen. I usually roll confident/flirty female MCs because I feel there’s still a dearth there compared to BLWUSHY ‘aah’types (nothing against that - just not my style) — that actually made a Lot of sense with a character who basically had Zero interactions with her own age group/everyone hates her. So — of course she doesn’t know how to flirt and ‘oh my goodness - this Queen is grabbing my wrist’. Needless to say: there was a Lot of gay panic and I really enjoyed it. (P.S.: every time Elora grins an Angel gets its wings.)

Gushing aside, this was a great rough draft and I’m really excited to see the final product~ ❤️

Thank you so much for playing and I'm so happy you're enjoying Ellie 😊💖

It means a lot that you enjoyed the steamy scenes! I'm no stranger to writing them in novels but interactive fiction is a bit different 😅 I'm hoping to expand the steamy scenes in the full game for extra interactions so hopefully they'll be even better when it's done. I hate slowburn romances – they're fine when done well but gosh, I just want to smooch an RO before the end of the game so I knew I wasn't going to leave the smut/romance for too late.

It really makes me so pleased that you're enjoying the characters and their flaws! I love tragic characters and I really enjoy complicated family dynamics, so it was fun to include them in the game and especially explore the relationships with the MC and all the weight they have to carry because of everything that's happened to them.

Please do give a flirty MC a try! Ellie tends to blush a bit around a bolder MC 😋 I'm glad you liked the shy flirt options though 💖

Thank you again for playing! There's so much still to be added and expanded for the main game but I'll soon be working on Chapter 10 so only 3 more chapters and an epilogue left to go before edits 🎉

uhm - thank you for Creating it! Elora is all my current obsession. (That, and when I can actually call her ‘Ellie’) *stares and sips tea*

I don’t hate slow burns(done well — agree) — but I feel Great characters should make out when they wanna make out and bed when they wanna bed. I know when I write, I’ll have a general plan for romance progression - but rarely do babies not interrupt my plans/I don’t allow it. What *does* drive me crazy is: constant interrupts/delay tactic. Bless you didn’t go that route. And Bless for expanded steamy. 😏 Who am I to stop you if you wanna add round twos, threes, and so forth~? Srsly tho: Ellie’s foreplay game is: MMM. When she started by offering a drink - I was Screaming

Gimme all the flawed. I actually RP my Rubi as kind/genuine - but oof! She a TEMPER. Such a fun dynamic. And she’ll call a B out. (one of my favorite bits is garden scene where there’s so many ways to claim Queenie a hypocrite. I ADORE MCs standing up to RO - we can Disagree and still Smash, darnit!!!) But yes. Flawed. Was trying to avoid spoilers, but. Mother. oh, Mother… 👀

Oh - I’ve given everything with Ellie a try. ;) …except for not bowing - that just rood. lol Admittedly a lot of the flirtier options just don’t fit MC’s past, to me. Not that some don’t sneak in there: It’s great to actually roleplay a MC getting more confident as time goes on. But! Credit where due: there's also a shy choice that made Ellie blush and it was such a fun surprise! As much as I love a BOLD blush, one where she’s flustered from pure sincerity is Everythiiiiiing

Amazed such great progress is being made - but please make sure not to burn out! I (and so many others) will be rooting for you along the way! 🎉


You might find the MC will have some experience (not the bedding kind but definitely young love kind) once the prologue is expanded and Dena's route gets a fully fleshed-out romance 😚 Thank you again for your support! I do make sure to take breaks on the weekends so (touch wood), there's been no burn-out so far.

(3 edits)

I might be unintentionally spoiling things, so maybe, just in case, steer clear if you don't like spoilers!

It's a really great story! I'm still in the middle of it, but I love that there are a lot of romantic choices to choose from, like being proactive or passive when flirting and whether you want it hot or just heart-warming lol. When finally choosing an RO to pursue, I also love that there's an option to have a chaste relationship. Also, it seems that the RO and MC sometimes don't care if they're in public when flirting lmao. Sometimes I'm just like: Get a room you lovebirds! 

Then, there's the MC's stats. I wonder if they have any effect on the story. I made my MC an all-rounder and to me, the stats are pretty high, with the lowest at 60. Yet, it seems like the stats have little to no effect on the story. For example, during battle, MC's skill doesn't reflect their high might stat much.

I also noticed that there are inconsistencies with pronouns here and there. For example, I set Dena's gender as female but sometimes, she's referred to as he. 

Edit: "You shudder as her fingers trace over your skin; eliciting goose pimples in their wake."

Sorry, but why not goosebumps instead?🤣 It kind of made me laugh a bit🤣😭😭 The choice of words makes me curious😭


Thank you for playing and I'm glad you're enjoying it so far 😊 

The stats don't play a huge role on the game. In hindsight, if I could go back, I'd have removed them entirely 😅 This is still a very rough draft so expect the variations to be polished and added once I start with edits of the full game. That's when the stats will offer better variations.

Goose pimples is what I use - it's a synonym for goosebumps. It's more a UK-English style of saying it (I write in UK-English) and I also hate how modern/urban-fiction goosebumps sounds which clashes with the high fantasy vibe of the game 😆

so my speculation was right then! lol, looking forward to future updates!

ah, hence the choice of words, I understand now!🤣

(1 edit) (+2)

Haven't played this story in a few months and I've been playing it all day today (still haven't done all routes yet lol). Will definitely be buying it as soon as it releases! I must see where it goes with Dena! 😂💕

(Also, still haven't forgiven the mother yet, even after all this time. 😤)


I'm so happy you're enjoying it! It means a lot that you're willing to buy the full game especially since this is still a very rough draft with missing content that'll be added in the complete version. You'll probably hate Salyra more further into the chapters 👀


Ooh I knew she couldn't be trusted!😑IMHO, it is a very good rough draft. It was satisfying and left me wanting more.  And I forgot it had missing content! I cannot wait to see what they are!


A lot are scenes I never had time to add during the rough draft, so there'll be additional scenes (like exploring the Southern Islands in chapter 8), extended dialogue scenes and additional choices implemented. In the rough draft, you'll always succeed in gaining Dena's support but the final version will have a failure outcome so you'll get Dena's limited support which will have consequences on the end game states 😊

(2 edits) (+1)

Is it just me or does anyone feel that the mother is planning something evil or just being one of those hidden main antagonist, because no matter how I look at the mother, her character, personality is just completely puzzling for a example the mother claims to fight for a peaceful coexistense between the Ishari and Cyre but did not question the command of the "Ancient Ones" telling her to break the engagement between the princess of Ishari and the late king of Cyre which if occured would have resulted in doom for the Ishari and which still happened due to the war, the MC is in and now this is the confusing part, why did she have the MC with a Cyre man and not just a ordinary Cyre but one that is used to be the general of the bloodguards, a very high posistion in Cyre and one that is the equivalent to the mother status as high priestess, since both gives them right to stand atleast equal with the king and queen of they kingdom, so doesn't this seem too strange or weird especially she mention in a letter to the family in vinia that she has found a way to end the war, like lets be honest the mother has no love for foreigners as I have seen when she for no reason at all turn hostile on Elora the heir to vinia for just checking on the MC, it would have made sense if the hostility was shown towards to Anu for letting us to touch the divine weapon or Irus due to his aethist nature but this does not happen from what I have seen so far and she only directs such anger towards Elora whose nation practically respresent the mother's Ideals of equality amongst religion and what is even more strange is Ahlf hiding the letters from us that she writes which at this point we can tell when Ahlf was alive and wanted do something, he was doing it with good intentions, so that begs the question what on earth did the mother wrote that Ahlf didn't want us to know or protect us from, and another things that bothers my mind about her is the reason for bringing the infant MC to Cyre and which she explained that she did it to loose the bloodguards of they trail which just sounds like bullshit, and it would have made sense if she didn't just run back to the Ishari she was "Fleeing away from" with the MC and the people that she mentioned about that reside in Ishari that hate the MC due to they former bloodguard father, are not even a threat or they are not that many that hate them for it, so no matter how the mother explains it, she got zero reason for leaving us behind in Salt bay, the only good thing about abandoning the MC is that they were not entangle with her mad lies at a young age

(1 edit) (+3)

Hi there, thanks for playing the game and leaving a comment 😊

Salyra's whole purpose is to serve the Ancient Ones - but that doesn't make her infallible. She makes mistakes but it's also hard for her to own those mistakes and admit that she can be wrong. It's up to you to decide if the message/vision she received from the Ancient Ones was one that couldn't be changed or one that was caused by her meddling in the betrothal of Lamahu and Erlan.

Salyra married Ahlf because she thought her union with him would inspire peace between Ishari and Cyre - if you go down the divinity route and uncover the truth of Salyra's ritual when the MC was a baby, you'll learn that she thought having a child with both heritages who could wield their divinity would achieve peace. Don't lose sight of the fact Ishari was part of Cyre before the war - a lot of people on either side if the kingdoms like to ignore that fact, but Cyre and Ishari were one kingdom often ruled by Ishari royalty before Erlan started the war. Salyra didn't see an issue of being with Ahlf because she thought people would be reminded of this unified past and try to work together.

Salyra doesn't like Irus because he's the son of Erlan. She loves Anu, because Anu was trained under her regarding her divinity. She really hates Elora because Elora has proven to be capable and strong, openly defying Salyra which Salyra doesn't like.

In order to understand Salyra's character (I'm assuming you're going down the aggressive route with her), you'll need to understand she's a very flawed character. She is written to be narcissistic and controlling and if you're not going to appease her, you'll end up getting a lot of her more negative traits flaring up 😅

A lot of the confusion you have is valid - but that's the point. You have to come up with your own reasonings why Ahlf and Salyra acted the way they did and then decide if that's something your MC is okay with or not. You don't have to play a loving child - you won't be punished for hating the parents and it won't affect the outcome of the game other than your relationship with them.  There are quite a few side stories on my Patreon that explore the past history of Salyra and Ahlf, but it's not part of the main plot which follows the MC's decisions and not Ahlf or Salyra's decisions.

I hope this helps clear up some your points 🌼


Thank you for your opinion author, I love this game, to bring out such emotions that my mc feel angry/conflicted towards the mother but his little sister Rana is still that one diamond in the rough that my Mc treasures


No problem! I'm glad you feel so strongly about the characters 💖 Thank you again for playing 😊


I just spent all day playing this. I'm so deeply in love with it, the characters, the story, it's all so well written! Well done, I can't wait for the full game!!!! The first game to genuinely cause me bi-panic lol!


Thank you so much! I'm so happy you enjoyed playing through the demo 💖 Progress is still going strong on the newer chapters so hopefully it won't be too long for the full game 😊

hey there is a way to have the sovereign's support? To not made the prince run again immediatly?

Which Sovereign are you referring to? And running off to where? You're going to end up in Ishari no matter what you choose to do.


I genuinely might buy this in both and steam when it releases because it is so worth it, It's almost 5 in the morning and I just spent the last 5 hours playing through the public demo and absolutely fell in love with every character


Aww thank you! I'm so glad you're enjoying the game 💖🥰 There's no need to buy the game on both platforms, one is more than enough! Thank you again 🌼


It is very rare I find a tale that grips me enough for me to lose 4 hours on it to the exclusion of all else. I found myself invested in every character. And I know that tomorrow I'll be running a second playthrough.

What has hit me the most is that every character, as minor as those you meet in Salt Bay, to the major romancable characters all feel human. It's not an easy thing to achieve and you have achieved it. I'm excited to see how this progresses.


Thank you so much for giving the game a try and I'm so pleased that you were able to play the game for that long without getting bored 🌼💖

It means a lot that the characters feel human! I was worried that some might come off as two-dimensional or not interesting enough so it's a huge relief that you felt otherwise. I hope you enjoy your second playthrough as much as your first 😊

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

This is pretty well solid and well-written. The only small issue I had with this IF is that the MC... is kind of too tamed. Even if you try to choose the "aggressive" dialogue options, It's still lukewarm, like when meeting Esmo again. Weird to see the MC almost getting hit by just standing still and waiting for someone to rescue them. Would love to see the MC being more proactive. Either way, good luck and thank you for taking the time to make this.


Thank you for taking the time to play the game 😊 Yes, I do know there's not a lot of 'aggressive' choices and I hope to add more variations to scenes when I do the full edits with additional scenes and dialogues. For now, this is a rough draft so you won't get to see everything. I'll keep your feedback in mind for the edits 🌼


i think about this if all the time honestly thank you writing such masterpiece 🥹


Thank you! That's very kind of you to say and I'm so happy you're enjoying it 🌼💖

I played this a little while ago and it is so good!! I can't wait for more <3


Thank you! I'm so glad you're enjoying it 💖 The game will be updated for Patrons from Chapter 9 onwards and the full game will be released on Steam and here respectively 😊

Can't wait!




I hope that's a good more 😅 The game will be updated for my Patreon only going forward.

I'm so pissed! This game has no right being this good.

Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it 😊

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Ramona I cannot explain in words with how good this is! The storyline is just perfection from the beginning I didn't know how to feel on my first gameplay but as I kept playing and playing, I couldn't help but make several save files just to replay it you inspired me to make my own story though not game because I don't kind of don't know how to code. I want to wish you an early Valentine's Day and make sure to always take time to yourself, thanks for making this amazing game! Cannot wait for the full release and I will be finally able to download it!!!!!


I really enjoyed your game a lot. I look forward to the full game already. By the way when will you be accepting new signups on Patreon? I would love to support your great work!😊


Thank you! 💖😊 It will reopen on the 1st of March 2024.

Replayed this and I forgot how much I hate the mom 😒 also can't wait until its fully out. 😃


I think everyone's a Salyra hater by now 😅 Thank you for playing!

This is a genuinely great game, just kind of sad that I couldn't be as petty as I wished since I'm a petty bitch LOL! Would definitely love some options where you could give someone the silent treatment.


Thank you for playing! I will be adding more options and responses for the full game so keep an eye out to play a petty MC 😋

Thank you for playing! I will be adding more options and responses for the full game so keep an eye out to play a petty MC 😋

(2 edits)

Really good game I love it and the prince so much and i am the only one who want to slap mc mom? >_> she is a real hoe ... kinda a bad mom too or daughter she even haven't told her mom

Thank you for playing 🌼 I'm so happy you enjoyed the game and Prince Irus! You're definitely not alone in hating Salyra 😋

(1 edit) (+2)

I finally got around to reading chapter 8, and the Elora scene 🥵? Thank you ma'am! I love her route so much, as tempting as Anu is idk if I'll ever be able to do her route with Elora distracting me. 100% gonna buy this when it's finished!

oh and when we met her cousin, and i said we were just friends and she was like "UMMMM NO" 🥺😭


I'm so glad you enjoyed Elora's scene! I wasn't sure if it would be spicy or detailed enough so it's good to know you liked it 😄 Thanks for playing!

(1 edit) (+1)

Oops, what I meant to say was it was terrible and you should totally go back and make it much longer and more detailed 😉 (/s ofc... Unleeeeesss 👀) 


I really enjoyed this game and can't wait for the full release. 

I have one suggestion tho. In chapter 8, when meeting Emos again, it feels a bit off that a MC with a high might stat just stands there and waits for the pain instead of trying to doge or block the hit, so maybe change the text form "You brace yourself for the pain..." to something like "you move to block the hit / try to doge as person X steps between you to" if the MC has a high might stat.


Thanks for playing and I'm glad you're enjoying it! The game is in a very rough draft state so you're not going to see different flavour text based on skills but expect to see it in the final version 😊


Sad that i couldnt do the cgaracter i was looking foward to, but still a REALLY good game, sad that i dont talk too much in conversations

Can I ask what character you were hoping to play? Thanks for giving the game a try!

Its kust a silly thing, i wanted a more "Hollow" character that would train way sooner to avenge his mother, but dont worry about me

Ah, I'm sorry 🌼 I tried my best to add as many personality choices as I could but I always struggled with the stoic/hollow options. That said, if you've reached Chapter 5, there's really no point for vengeance 😅

Just finished it and omg I cannot wait for more! it had me crying at times. which you deserve applause for bc I'm not usually an emotional person lol. I also love Irus so much I don't think I can try anyone else now lol


Thank you for playing! I'm pleased that the game and plot made you feel what the MC was feeling and I'm really glad you're enjoying Irus' route 😊 


Amazing! Im ganna b a patreon, im hooked!


Thank you! I'm so happy you're enjoying it and thank you for considering to subscribe to my Patreon 😊


I just finished the demo and romanced Irus and I loved his romance/NSFW scene they are so well written tho since Irus has to become king he will eventually need heirs I'm guessing and since I'm playing a male MC I wonder how it will work out 🤔


I'm so happy you're enjoying his romance! There is no need for natural heirs - adoption is very much a thing in the game world. There's also the fact that in Cyre, rulers can choose to appoint their successor who doesn't have to be their child. That said, Irus does not want to become a father - there's a lot more explanation on my Tumblr so you can browse through that if you're interested 😊

Oh thanks I will definitely check out your Tumblr !

This is by far the most detailed and beautifully made interactive story I have ever read. Do you by chance have any suggestions of any books that you think have some of the elements shown in this story or from which you were inspired to write this?


Thank you for your kind words! I actually wasn't inspired by novels to write this game but rather my interest in ancient civilisations like Sumeria, Egypt and Greece. From there, I adapted the game's idea with some elements from various other ancient nations and that's how the game came about 😅 My real life has taken away my time for reading so I've not read anything remotely related to the game since I first started developing it.  You can read up on the three main ancient civilisations but I'm not sure how interesting it might be for you 😆


I LOVE Irus!! There's so much romantic content, I'm unused to such romantic depth (like talking to Redall first on the boat causing Irus to be jelly, just lots of fun flavor text + nice moments) and it's not even finished yet! ^^


Thank you! I'm happy you're enjoying Irus' romantic route and his romance scenes 😊 I wanted to write a fantasy/political romance game, although I much prefer just writing romance all the time 😅


OMG I love it. The setting is great and it reminds me of arcadie second born. Can't wait for the full game.


Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying the game so much 😊

adding the ending scene with irus at the end of chap 8 to the millionth time a nsfw scene has made me cry, i love my mc and him so bad it makes me sick !! so excited to get the full version someday <3


I'm glad you enjoyed the scene with Irus! Thank you for playing and for your support 💖

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