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this is absolutely a gem to read and play. Thank you so much! I was never bored. Every word and scene had me hooked

Thank you so much for playing! I'm so happy that you enjoyed the game 💖

(3 edits)

Hi again! hope ur doing good :) I'm sorry to bother you again but, you see i am making a game (im using sugarcube btw) and im kind of a newbie, and i was wondering if you could help me or (show me the codes to use)?

First, how do you make the menu and bio, relashionships, characters info ... ect?

Second, how do you make these character portraits ( are they made with Ai? i searched but never found :( ) and how do you make them into the game?

Third, how do you make the chapter pages?

Last, how do you change the backround (also the one where the title is is situated) and the frame to make it so pretty i can only change the color tho??

Thank you in advance :) and sorry for the too many questions.

Hi! Please check this Tumblr with extensive guides on coding questions - it answers the basic questions with easy step-by-step guides. If you're still struggling, you can always join the coding Discord for twine here.

I don't mind helping you with these questions, but it's quite difficult to explain it here through the comments so if these links don't help you, please send me a DM or an ask through my Tumblr and I'll be happy to help you 😊

Thank you so much, it's really nice of you to help me out :) it's really appreciated.


Not a problem! If the guides you find don't make much sense - it can be tricky when you're starting out, don't hesitate to reach out and ask! I'm more than happy to assist where I can 😊


I have no words for this game it's just just amazing and the most perfect game i've played so far and you can actually feel for the mc even if you've never experienced child neglect before because the story is so beautifully written and the characters development is just amazing (my mc is actually romancing prince Irus in my playthrough and he's just been the sweetest lover ever especially their kiss and it's even better if it's the mc's first kiss it's just adorable) so thank you for making such an amazing game for free, however there is a question that has been bugging me lately which is the age of the mc ( from her first meeting with prince Irus to chapter 7 ?) i also was curious about the age of the RO's as well ?

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for playing! I strive to make the MC as relatable to the player as possible, even if players didn't necessarily have the same experience as the MC so I'm super happy you're enjoying the game 💖

From Chapter One, the ages of the characters are:

  • MC: 25
  • Irus: 27
  • Elora: 23
  • Oren: 30
  • Anu: 28

Thank you for taking the time to replay to me, i really do love this game, rest well and take care of yourself :)


THIS GAME IS PERFECT AND LOVE IT! but seriously i downloaded this game just to kill some time originally but this game made me really feel like the mc did, this game is one of the best games i have played in a while with a story rivaling the likes of red dead redemption 2 or the half life series. But in short I love this game and cannot wait for more chapters!

Thanks so much for playing ❤ I'm so glad you gave the game a chance and I'm so pleased that you felt what the MC felt 🌼 It's really an honour to have the storyline compared to such amazing games! I really do appreciate your kind words!


Okay so, I'm not really the type to write comments and all but DAMN, this game is so good. Like everyday I come on this site just to see if it's upload yet and I'm always mad when it's not. Like I have to restrain myself sometimes and I think I won't come in here anymore for a loooong time just to let you the time to upload multiples chapters. What I like the most (beside this fantastic storyline) is that the love interests are not magically already in love with MC even thought we just meet like in other games, that's actually a thing that piss me off. English isn't even my first language, but here I am EATING UP your story because it's so well written and so intersting. Anyways, see you in a couple of months and I reaaaally hope that there will be multiples chapters when I come back.

Thank you so much for your support! I really appreciate it a lot 💖 When I do upload, it's normally one chapter at a time as I'm still very much writing the game as I go 😅 Chapter 8 will be released by the end of July or early August, depending on how fast I can write it. It'll also be the last public update for the demo 😋

(1 edit) (+3)

I MADE AN ACCOUNT JUST TO WRITE THIS. Now I DON'T KNOW WHAT CRACK YOU PUT IN THE STORY BUT I WANT YOUR WHOLE STOCK. I'll be real honest. I've been avoiding this story for a bit; I can't even tell you why. Im half regretful and half happy I waited this long just so I could binge to chapter seven. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MC AND THEIR MOTHER had me screaming. I was literally arguing with her out loud like the game could hear me. You really did so well in making her infuriating and pitiful. There were certain moments I found myself wanting to reunite just for her to do some stupid shit and make me go right back to hating her. [SPOILERS] When she literally offered to meet her new family I was about to bite a chair out of anger. I just found it absolutely egregiously absurd you would even do that. SHE HAD SO MANY OPTIONS TO MEET MC, Im not taking any of her excuses except for the intercepted letters. And to think she made a new family, I truly feel in my heart she had no intention of getting me, she had her new life and she was all happy. She clearly never intended to look for MC if you had a whole kid and husband at home. I think genuinely thats what made me angrier. It also didn't help when I decided to talk to Rana ONLY, that Danzor had the nerve to speak up, saying stuff like "You shouldn't talk to your mother like that, can't you see she's trying." OOOHHHHH he was getting me mad. THIS IS NOT YOUR BUSINESS SIR MIND YOUR BUSINESS I DIDNT EVEN WANT TO TALK TO YOUR ASS SMH. I was veryyyyy bitter, Ive never had such a visceral reaction come out in a choose your own adventure novel. The way I saw the situation; it was a happily ever after for Salyra. She got married to her childhood crush, had a baby out of love, and is a well respected priestess on the island she was raised. She had no intention of raising MC like that and that's what's worse. Seeing Rana get absolutely coddled by both Danzor and Salyra had me absolutely furious. Every time they mentioned she was a blessing I just got more salty. THE MC WASN'T EVEN MADE BECAUSE SALYRA WANTED TO LOVE HER CHILD SHE DID IT SO IT COULD  BE A SYMBOL, AN ENTITY NOT A PERSON. I will not forgive her and I will take every opportunity to spite her from now on. Elora was the absolute cutest, I loved romancing her but I also loved being her friend, Every character was great and I loved it. Thank you so much for writing this fantastic story. I can not wait for future updates and cant wait until its completed so I can officially buy the game. (Im hoping that the AI art gets replaced with something with a bit more pizzaz) ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU IM GOING TO BE THINKING ABOUT THIS PLOT ALL WEEK.


Thank you so much for making an account just to leave a comment! I really appreciate your support 😊

I'm so glad you gave the game a try! I think a lot of people were hesitant to play it because of the fear of being stuck with Irus 😂

Salyra is definitely a character you either love or hate 😬 She's never going to improve, but she will try her best to be better in later chapters. Whether that will be enough for you as a player will be up to you.

I'm glad you like Elora! She's a lot of fun to write and her friendship scenes are one of my favourites as well.

The art for the characters was made very early on in the game's development. I'm probably not going to include character portraits in the full game because I want players to imagine the characters their own way and a part of me wants to keep the game strictly text based 😅


I have no idea how many times I've replayed this. When I learnt of the newest chapter release, I was really excited!!!!! For some reason, all my saves were gone but that's ok, at least i could get a lil reminder of everything that's happened. I find it funny how every playthrough, I always find myself romancing Irus as a shy MC AKSJDJDH I SIMPLY CANT HELP MYSELF AHHH

Also, I would just like to say, I really like the font u use, makes me think I'm writing a paper letter to u with a quill and sent it off with a pigeon XD HAHA

Anyways, the plot is really well-written. MC really can't get a break 💀 it's like they're hit with bad thing happening right after another jfc I just want to spend my days making my MC kiss Irus, I feel so bad for them ajshdh

First playthrough during [SPOILER] Salyra's surprise comeback, I chose the more betrayed and jealous route, but now I went with more lax approach and accepted bc I felt bad for my MC and thought they deserved to have a mom, but then the new chapter came out and oop- she hid more things that I could've imagined and my MC is just really put through the wringer here 💀💀


I'm surprised Salyra didn't put up much of a fight at the end of the chapter 7 into letting us go to the southern territory, makes me wonder if she has a plan....if she tries anything.....

She really makes me so angry despite me trying my best to stay calm and accepting damn, u wrote her really well! And other characters, as u can tell, Irus has my heart, tho maybe I should try another route hmm.....

Great storyline, world-building and characters! I really can't wait for more!!!! 

Thank you so much for playing and I'm sorry your saves were lost! If you're saving strictly online and not downloading/exporting your game save and clear your browser history, your saves will be lost in the game.

I'm really glad you like the font. While it's more a technical thing, I tried to make every aspect of the game, even fonts, colours and music meaningful for players 😊

One of my favourite dynamics is a shy MC and Irus, so I'm super happy you enjoyed it too.

Salyra is definitely a character that will make you feel a lot. She's certainly not perfect and will always make you feel some sort of upset after learning her secrets 😅 As for why she didn't protest much, her main goal in life is to stop the war and if the MC is going to help achieve that by leaving with the gang, she's not going to stop that.

Thank you for your lovely comment and your support 💖


One of my favorite IFs I've ever played. I love the amount of detail put in, especially with the potential responses and feelings when MC interacts with [SPOILER if you just started] mother. The suspense of some of the nightmares are well written too. I also appreciate the hair options :) 

I've been putting all my faith (and pining) in Prince Irus simply because I really enjoy how he's written and the journey he and MC go through from the start. 


Thank you for your support! I'm really happy you're enjoying the different options and variations 😊

Irus and the MC will eventually get their happily ever after, they just to get through a war first 😅 Thank you for playing! 💖

I loooved iiiiiiiiiit 🩷🩷🩷🩵🩵🩵


Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the game 😊💖




Thank you for playing 😊 💖 I'm glad you're enjoying it!

(4 edits)

Not sure if it's been reported or even if it's a bug, but if you pick " do not worship any deity and you never will." you get the same result as " believe in the Ancient Ones, but your belief also extends to the worship of Solus."   

Itch wont let me paste screenshot for some reason , sorry

Here's a link to it

Save file

Thank you for this! It's likely that I messed up the variables for the responses. I'll hopefully fix it by the next update 😊


Glad you're enjoying the dynamics! 😊


this story is a masterpiece honestly !! the family angst is so amazingly written and has me crying for my mc throughout the whole story lol. thank god for irus tho tbh, i usually do more flirty mcs but a shy mc with him is actually peak !! i love not having to put up with salyra specifically, cant count the amount of times i wanted to scream for my mc.


Salyra FUCKED UP. So damn much, not just with you. Inrus with shy MC is everything, I love how teasing he gets. 


she makes me so upset lol. the angry options are so satisfying for my usually soft-spoken mc though

Thank you so much for playing and I appreciate your support 🌼💖 I enjoy shy MCs with Irus too, it's always so fun to write 😅 There's always going to be rude options when dealing with Salyra, so look out for them 😊


One of my favourite interactive fiction <3 The ROs are so easy to like, the story is well crafted, the family drama and angst is so compelling and the romance is honestly so cute - the dynamics between Irus and shy!MC have me in a chokehold !!!

I love how you have the option to be resentful, petty and honestly even kind of "weak" at times but it's never portrayed as a bad thing, just as an MC who will rely on others and not be shamed for it - which is not something I see often in IF. I really appreciate how we're not always forced to forgive or even put up with some people (looking at you Salyra) and we're not even forced to believe in the divines. It's such a breath of fresh air to have so much agency in what our MC can choose as their morals and beliefs without constantly being guilt tripped for our choices. And no doubt that takes extra work for the author but she does a wonderful job and it's really inspiring ~

Can't wait for the rest of this story :^)

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much for playing and I'm so happy you enjoyed it! 🌼💖

I'm so pleased that you enjoyed the relationships and family drama. I enjoy writing them a lot so it's nice to know that players are finding it just as enjoyable to read and play through.

An important thing for me in IF is player agency especially when it comes to moral beliefs, religious beliefs and the dynamics with parental figures because too often, I've been pushed into having happy family dynamics or being punished for being angry or reacting a specific way which doesn't follow my supposed personality stats 😅 the game doesn't track your personality, so you'll always be free to respond how you want to and you'll only be 'punished' for the choices you make that affects major plot points. I use punished here in a very informal way because you're not going to die or be blamed if things go wrong based on a decision you made.

I honestly think it's more work to write in personality stats and punishing players for taking certain choices 😂 The way I've done it, only certain choices will affect the overall plot but anything in-between is there for character development and player enjoyment.

Thank you for taking the time to leave such a lovely comment 🌼😊

hello! i come bearing a screenshot from the bug report i sent to you (my MC is Haliah). here it is!


Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you for playing and I'm so glad you enjoyed the game! I particularly love writing all the family drama because it's one of my favourite things to read and write about 😅

Irus might just pose on the bed with a suggestive look of he knew that's what Beloved meant to you 😂

You have a typo in chapter 2: "That is a good then" should be "That is good then".

I really do enjoy this game and I think you're an amazing writer, so I hope that I and everyone else who tries this game can help you improve it. Congrats on making it this far and good luck finishing it.

(Also, I don't want to be rude but the AI art used to depict the characters kinda takes me out of the experience. It's just very generic, for lack of a better term. The actual descriptions of the characters feel fresh and alive, and yet the art depicting them doesn't represent this at all. I suppose that's one of the flaws of AI art. Oh well.)

Thanks for the typo. For future reports, please make use of the bug form because I normally won't remember reports posted here 😅 Please keep in mind that for now, I'm not fixing typos/grammar errors in the wip version so please don't think I've ignored your report if you don't see it fixed by the next update.

As this is a very early draft of a wip, I'm not really focussed on using commissioned art for the character portraits as they cost money and the game is a labour of love - so it generates very little cash flow to necessitate commissioning an artist at this point. They're placeholders until I complete the final draft and edits.

Thanks for playing!

(1 edit) (+2)

I didn’t think I’d like this game at first, but wow. You absolutely changed my mind. I’m having an enjoyable time playing this (although I’m not finished yet, I just had to pause and comment). The storyline is solid and I feel like I could become real friends with the characters.

I did noticed some typos, however. I’ll go in greater detail about them if you’d like but I don’t want to make this comment too complicated. Overall, great game!!


Thank you for giving the game a try and I'm so happy you're enjoying it! 💖

If you do spot typos, you can report them through the bug form from the menu on the side bar. I'm not fixing typos at the moment but I will be fixing them during edits so feel free to report them and know that I'll get to them once the first draft is completed.


I chose to forgive my character's mother, but I really do appreciate that we're given a choice in the matter. That's very cool. Also I love the lore and atmosphere of this game, I'm shocked that you got it out as quickly as you did. You're not secretly a time-bending wizard are you? lol

I'm gonna do a second playthrough with higher spirituality with the Ancient Ones so I can see how that effects my divine powers. Probably. I would like to know if my Spirituality has consequences tied to it, please. My character is an atheist so I hope that doesn't ruin my chances of getting a good ending.

I'm glad you're enjoying the choices with Salyra! I never want to push people into forgiving her (personally, I wouldn't) so I know it's important for players as well 😊

I'm no time bending wizard, but I do like writing a lot at once and I code as I write so it saves a lot of time when I get down to the chapters. It's worked so far for me so I'm in no rush to change my methods now.

You don't get punished for being a non-believer. The only thing you'll get locked out of is awakening the divine blessings, but you won't be locked out of good game ends. That said, I'm more of a narrative than stat-focussed person so stats are there but it's more your choices that matter rather than how high your stat is. You won't die in this game 😋

Thank you, that's good to know! :D

(2 edits) (+3)

I feel like crying (frustrated and angry tears lol)😭 MC's been through so much and now I'm supposed to accept Salira's apologies? Nope, not happening. 

I'm so pissed with her... although I really like her as a character...;;


Feel free to hate Salyra for the rest of the game 😋 You won't be punished for reacting however you want towards her.


Something I love about the romance in this game is that the routes speak for each characters personality. Literally everyone else is content to take it slow and really scope out MC as a person before diving into anything concreate, and then we have Irus who jumped our bones pretty much the second MC confirmed their feelings were a little more than platonic. I love that so much, 😂


I'm glad you're enjoying the variation with the romances 😊 And it is true that each character will act differently during a romance. Irus and Anu will jump into a physical relationship with the MC much sooner than Elora and Oren because that's just who they are 😂


It’s impressive that you’ve managers to get to 7 chapters in less than a year. Most of the IFs I’ve seen on here don’t even get that much done in two years. Good work!


To be fair, I had a lot of free time when I started the game 😅 Now, not so much. A full-time job can really eat away at your scheduled writing time.


a suggestion: adding chapter selection! there's so much content, sometimes i wanna reread something but can't without restarting everything :( btw, i love the new update! :D


If I  was a better coder, I might have figured how to do this because coding a chapter select does not automatically remove changed stats 😋 For now, do make use of the saves to go back to choose a chapter.


AHHHH I read the new update way too fast. :( I can’t help it your writing is just so good. And now I just want more. 😭


Thank you so much for playing ❤ I'm really happy that you enjoyed it!

(2 edits) (+1)

This is a bug report for chap 7 and cause i dont know where else to put it, ill.. just put it here.

also spoilers for those who have not finished chap 7!!!!!!

So i just played trough chapter 7 and I found a bug after I flirted with Oren after the sword of atses thing. The bug made it so that i not only got the text and options for if i chose to flirt or not to flirt with him.

Oddly enough when i replayed it and chose to not flirt with him the bug doesnt happen. It also doesnt happen when i replayed and chose the other RO's (flirt and no flirt options).

(i am playing this on chrome if that helps?

also i know its only been a couple hours since you updated the game sorry if this comment ruins your mood in anyway cause of how quick it is for someone to find a bug.

I absolutely adore this game and have replayed it do many times keep up the great work <3)


Thank you for playing!

I know exactly what the issue is - a missing tag for those scenes which is why you're seeing both scenes 😅 Thank you for this! I'll definitely fix it and update the fixes hopefully by the weekend.

I really don't get upset over bug reports, just annoyed at myself for not finding them before releasing it 😭 If you find more, you can report it through this form in the future 😊

(1 edit) (+2)

This is always exciting to read, i do hope that the full game will be available on android tho. I don't at all mind paying for the game in any capacity. Especially seeing the amount of love and effort you put into it. I've been reading every update as it comes since the first chapter so would just suck to be this invested in it and not be able to play it because my laptop died on me. 

Thanks for all the work you put in!


Thank you for your support and for playing the game 💖😊 For now, my plan is to release the game on Steam first and once it's on Steam, I'll likely release it on Google Play as an android app. I also prefer playing IF on mobile rather than my laptop, so if I don't use Google Play, I'll probably release the android version on 🌼


This is just terrific! The romance scene in chapter 5 was nicely done too, the music playing during that part was perfect! I like all the characters but Prince Irus has had my heart from the start :D


Thank you so much for playing and I'm really happy you enjoyed the game! I really appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment and I'm glad you love Irus 😊🌼

I had to create an account just to leave a comment for this… it is amazing! I remember playing it last year and coming back each time to see little bits of new content and explore new paths has been amazing. I constantly enjoy going back and seeing how different choices make the same characters react differently.

Less game related;

I really wanted to subscribe to your Patreon but I’m getting a “You can't join this creator's membership”I was just wondering if that was intentional or if it’s an issue with my Patreon.


I'm so honoured that you created an account just to leave a comment 💖😊 It means a lot to me! I'm also really glad that you're enjoying the different responses from characters based on the different choices. It was important to me that your choices changes a response and not your overall personality or anything else 😊

For now, my Patreon billing is paused for May while I find a new writing schedule (I started a new job in May), so new Patrons can't join this month. I hopefully will resume billing by June, but please follow my Tumblr for more updates on that as well as extra content 😊 


I'm really happy right now because of this book and I wanted to say why! (Jsyk I am a college student and my twin sister and I go to the same college, however all of my AP and she only has one so we only share one class. All my friends also got into the same college and we have the same classes) My sister was always making fun of me for reading this saying things like "it's really cringe," or "why are you reading something so immature." She would embarrass me in front of the people we hung out with saying I was reading some smut filled reader x character novel, having never read it herself. It made me really sad because I enjoyed this book a lot, and I wanted to read it freely without her embarrassing me. Thusly I never shred my interest in this book with my friends afraid they would think it was cringe too, and make fun of me as well. One day I was waiting outside my class (as we all know you're allowed to leave college classes early if you're done) for my friends who were still inside so we could grab some boba and do school work together. I was just reading this and one of my friends, G, (not his real name) leaned over and asked me what I was reading. I told him reluctantly, and he started reading it too. We talked about it every day, and then my other friends got curious, and G told them really happily. Their interest was piqued and they started reading it too. It was a lot of fun reading and playing with them. K (one of my friends) is really indecisive and constantly asked me what the right answer was, so I had to explain to her over and over there is no right answer. A (another friend) is a disturbingly fast reader and he caught up to me really fast. G says going for the prince Irus RO left him questioning his sexuality, and I'm really happy. If I had of known they weren't going to make fun of me I would've told them sooner. My sister makes fun of me still, but it just makes me happy that my friends enjoyed it too. My friends have been there for me through a lot, and through them reading this book just taught me more that they're going to be my friends for a long time. So I guess this is a thank you, because their companionship really meant a lot. Thanks Ramona for writing this! ^^


Thank you so much for playing 💖 I appreciate your support and I'm glad you got your friends to give it a chance. It means a lot to know that so many of you are enjoying the characters and the plot of the game!

It really is great to know you and your friends are sharing the game with each other, which is more than I could have asked for so thank you 😊 

Deleted 1 year ago

I'm not sure which policy you're referring to 🤔 According to the latest terms of service from April 2023, adult content is allowed as long it isn't an image or video depicting adult content so I'm assuming that the game is fine as is 😅 If you know otherwise, please let me know!

I'm not releasing the full game on steam, but I plan releasing it on Steam and possibly Google Play 😊 For now, I'm still a long time from publishing on Steam so I'm only with Patreon for the time being. That said, you really don't need to support me monetarily. Simply supporting the game by sharing it with your friends or even sending me questions is really more than enough 💖

Thank you so much for playing and I'm really glad you're enjoying it! The next update will be out in May 😊


Edit: I saw what you were referring to. That affects publishers method of payments for adult content and only for specific publishers. Because the game is free (only donations are available), this won't affect me. All other payments for the game (Patreon version) is handled directly by Patreon where I'm already listed as an adult content creator. So the game shouldn't be affected as it stands 😊


!!!Major spoilers!!! This game slaps so hard for no good reason and I have a lot I want to say, so why not right a way too long comment nobody's gonna read? Buckle up b^tches we've got six chapters (plus a prologue) to break down, and as somebody whos read this way too many times I am going to go WAY too in-depth. :)

Prologue- Mommy issues.

Honestly I'd give this prologue a 10/10 she did what needed to be done. I was hooked and I was ready. I think it establishes a good start to this novel. I felt pretty indifferent to both Ahlf and Salyra at this point without really knowing the gravity of the situation we were in, and honestly- they both suck and cannot parent to save their souls, but we'll get into that later. I'm not really going to talk about the part where we get sick, I think it's cute we get to see Ahlf being somewhat fatherly, but that still doesn't justify what he did with the letters. (the fact he's been hiding the letters Salyra wrote us, not the letters in the jade box.) I like how we get to establish MC's appearance so earl on in a way that fits instead of just saying 'what u look like?' and then move on. As for genuine plot, i enjoyed it. We were able to see what MC goes through when it comes to cultural discriminations, and how Ahlf is just not doing what needs to be done as a sole parent. As for Dena I feel like their not talked about enough (going to use They/Them for Dena as you choose their gender) Previously there were hearts next to the two romantic options if you join Dena at the tavern, but they were taken out so it's safe to say Dena won't be romanceable which I have no problem with as they called us getting the shiz beat out of us a jest. Come on bro could you be more insensitive? I also liked the fact that we got a moment where Ahlf expressed his affection for us when we came back all bloody and banged up. I'd love to see Dena re introduced in later chapters just for unnecessary drama, but that's just me wanting to stir shiz up for no reason. At the end of the day Dena, you're just a tutorial character, get over yourself.

Chapter one- Alone with an exiled prince

Chapter one was really good too, I think the start with the mourning of king Erlan felt like it foreshadows Ahlf death. Speaking of which, I like to think Ahlf was really upset about king Erlan dying. I chose to make my MC think she was her mom was alive, but I still think it's nice you mourn the absence of her, because that's still something we can do if somebodies missing in out lives. Let's be so for real, or MC is traumatized BIG time. Also this i could've mentioned in the prologue part since  it's in the prologue we fine the jade box but who cares- I kind of feel like Ahlf and Salyra's relationship may be foreshadowing- just a little bit- to MC's ad Irus's if you choose to pursue him. If that predictions correct I will not hesitate to cry. Ramona did MC dirty with Ahlf's death, especially if you choose to take his side like omg, I didn't like him that  much, but that's just sad. Bu let's talk about the elephant in the room, Prince Irus. I genuinely love his character, he's a real piece of work in this chapter, but I loved every moment with him, honestly. It's made clear he had bad first impressions with MC, given how we're dressed when he first see's us, but that didn't stop him from being a gentleman and helping us off crown. I also love crown sm, and I need to take a moment and say that. Fight seen with that blood guard was super bad as^ if you chose to fight him and not make Irus fight him. And I am waiting for my MC to become a fricking magical girl with the most badas^ powers from the ancient ones, I'm getting my ancient ones stat to 100 sue me. Slay atheist Irus we live for it, and it was nice to get a sense of vulnerability from him with his dads death, makes him feel more human. And that wraps up chapter one, so next stop Vinia babes

Chapter two- well, this is bizzare.

My first impressions on Nerena were pretty bad like, sis, let us in, we've been through it alright. As for Oren, not the most memorable of the capture targets, though his picture is spicy af. While I feel like he can fade in the back when put up against a whole queen of a nation and an exiled prince, he feels more in place than Anu, but I'll get into her when she's actually introduced. I think both scenes on the horses of Irus or Oren is adorable, but it feels almost mean to choose Oren over Irus after you know Irus's true thoughts about you choosing to ride with him. Then we're introduced Queen Elora, and I as just about read to fight this girl when we first see her. Like, who does she think she is jumping onto MY man and calling him "Iri?" like, sis, we're gonna fight. But in all seriousness I love queen Elora so much, she seems like the bff you rant to about your toxic ex while she paints your nails and encourages you to fight them way too much. The part where Irus gets mad and snaps at you got me so heated, especially if you choose "that wasn't the news i was expecting" and he says "All I'm left with is a fisherman's daughter/son" Like bish? I could get in a space ship and see the entire world and STILL not find where you got the audacity. Of course he apologizes, all is forgiven, whatever, but I still haven't forgotten that four chapters later. Back in our room the only thing really worth mentioning besides the nightmare is what we find in the jade box. I'm enjoying uncovering my mom and dads past WAY too much, like really. Then the nightmare we have really reels in the fact that MC is freaking traumatized- like I am so sorry. Anyways, after the nightmare we have our moment with one of the three introduced capture targets. (Throughout this review I'll mostly be talking about Irus because he's the target I went for.) If you go upstairs and have your time with prince Irus I initially thought he would give you a kiss goodnight regardless, however if you choose the shyer option he just touches your face which I personally feel is so cute because it's like he's trying to be mindful of your boundaries. Also this novel encompasses anxiety so well, it's hilarious. Then, of course, the next morning we get good news from Elora which went- "Yay we can stay- Oh we have to win over your government." Happy moments are fleeting in this game indeed. We go and take a look around the city, of course me being me- I went to the food stalls. It also seemed like the least traumatic option for MC. Then disaster strikes. We have to take a look at MC's mommy and daddy issues again because we found family at the bizarre with Nerena and Irus. I genuinely love Zikar as a freaking mood so much. Of course he's gotta learn to watch what he says about Irus my man, my man, my man. The part with the MCs family is just super emotional, and makes me hate Salyra even more than before. That's practically chapter two and my thoughts- but get ready girls because chapter three is one of my favorites.

Chapter three- I'm having a ball.

Starting this chapter off strong with coming to the realization that Irus can't study for shiz. You want to govern a whole kingdom but you can't even sit down and read a book? Smh. I also spent some time with Elora learning about Kazan which actually came in handy, I was genuinely not excepting that to matter. Later we're helping Elora, and oh my god let's make a petition to get rid of every mother in this novel, what are ya'll even doing for real. Also, I'd feel bad romancing Elora when Elora and Zikar together is so cute-. Also, the more I read the more I hate MC's mom, poor uncle Belahm- he did not deserve the mental torment Salyra put him through. Also why is everybody-besides MCs mother and father- in MCs family so freaking nice like omg. I got so excited when Ama gave MC the locket, if only I had known how much Salyra sucks. Then it was time to go to a ball. I'm going to sum this banquet up really quick because this comment is really long. MC aggressively makes out with either Irus, Oren, or Elora, then Virion (Irus's uncle who is trying to kill him) comes and says he's totally gonna wage war on Vinia- a very neutral kingdom- if they don't give him Irus. I honestly loved this chapter so much. The drama, the romance, it was all so perfect, I would stay here longer but there's not as much to unpack as there is in the other chapters which I really need to talk about. But in chapter four we're going on a trip sis, and poor MC just needs a nice good cry.

Chapter four- Setting sail.

Understandably enough, we start this chapter off in total fear. With all the- "I want Irus's head" and "I'm gonna declare war on you fools" we are not doing well as the MC, and the rest of the group isn't either. We're making the decision if we want to keep Irus and wage war against Cyre, or leave him in the dust, and the council doesn't go one way or the other. They decide we're going to be packaged with a nice bow and shipped to Ishari. This is hard on the MC because being Isharian literally got them beat up before, and now MCs going to where all the Isharians live. We have to say good bye to Ama, Zikar, Belahm, and Aunt Yara (who is literally pregnant and dose not need this stress,) and it was totally hear breaking. We really get to see how deeply they care for MC and it's so bittersweet. After that, if you're as cool as I am, you get into an official relationship with Irus. I think it's really nice how the book takes into consideration how people may feel about the sexual parts of relationships ad makes sure you're ok with having anything more than just a base level relationship with Irus. I would also like to mention how Elora is literally my right hand man like we are thick as thieves for real, and again everybody is fatherless in this book like omg. All our moms either abandoned us or hates us and we just have no dads smh. The next day  begin our endeavor to Ishari, and of course nothing ever goes right for these dudes. It's only fair we get attacked while at sea, right? Nomad tribes attack us because they suck. It's a total massacre, luckily Oren and Elora come to our rescue and we're saved and the turns quickly table as we capture the Nomads and their leader whos name starts with an L it's like Lena or something. Cha[ter four was nice, and is very hectic for the MC. After this who knows what's going to happen? Though You and Irus still get some... quality time together? Chapter five is a bit spicy huh?

Chapter five- spicy 

We finally make it to Ishari and we meet Anu, who I've got some notes on. First and for most Anu is sexy af, like mommy? I mean mommy? I mean... But also she seemed to be introduced quite late in the story. Most people will have already chosen who to be with by the time Anu is reeled into the picture. That's really my only issue besides the fact she makes me think gay. Again people hating on Irus like that- this time Anu calls him a bastard- smh. This is like black people being racist towards white people racisim is racism, it doesn't matter who it's directed at. :/ Discriminations aside we meet aa rather open minded Isharian named Saragon who's a real breath of fresh air. I chose to visit Eloras room and she literally let me do her hair I as so happy. Then some insignificant rude bish -Delondra- comes and ruins our good time like the insignificant rude bish she is. She lies to my face about my mom like an insignificant rude bish and the leaves. Like bish? Later prince Irus states his case about why the Isharians should make an Alliance with him but, of course, nothing ever goes smoothly, so MCs offered as tribute to save some Isharian captives being heled by the blood guard. So in favor of the alliance I do so, and say goodbye to Irus as I go and put my life on the line. Yay. I stumble upon my mother. The same mother who abandoned me when I was six years old or smth. This could've been a happy hting if it weren't for the fact she had another kid, Rana, AND that Rana got a dad. Yay. Needless to say MC isn't taking this too well. Ahlf is painted to be this bad dad who simply Tolerated MC but at least he had his moments. Since Salyra came into the picture, it's been sadness after sadness for MC. They both suck at parenting and chapter five was just mentally detrimental on MC. I try to remain indifferent when it comes to Rana since its genuinely go nothing to do with her that Salyra is a piece of trash.  of course we still have time for the dirty and squirty with Irus, and we close out chapter five with the devils tango. I refuse to go into anymore detail than that. Chapter five was pretty good too. Fudge you Salyra you suck. 

Chapter 6 - Tender mercies

If you end up staying the night with Irus you wake up with him, and then Elora tells you that the nomad prisoners escaped. (remember those guys?) Your mother also goes through your things at some point but there's something really important i need to talk about. It is stressed multiple times throughout this chapter that Salyra is keeping a secret from you and i think i figured out part of what it is. You get an opportunity to question Salyra and you can ask her why she never went back to you. She says it was too dangerous and that she's afraid she could be putting you in danger by leading the blood guard to you. That's total BS because she had Rana but didn't abandon her event though Rana is completely susceptible to the same fate. I think the secret is that Salyra was totally capable of coming back for MC but chose not to because of one reason or another. Not only that but Princess Lamahu said something that led me to this conclusion. " "I see," she breathes. "You are unaware of much, child. Your mother always did think she was protecting you by sending you away." " Literally word for word. This means Lamahu knew I was in Cyre, and knew of my existence even though Anu didn't so we can assume it was just Lamahu. The queen of this clearly wealthy nation and my moms good friend. Could she not have sent protection with Salyra? I feel like Salyra was purposefully leaving us in salt bay even if though he could come get us for whatever reason. I'm not surprised Salyra sucks, though i could be way off. Anyways, thats mostly what i wanted to day about chapter six. We did manage an alliance with the isharians, go Irus! and bam, my analysis of this book. 

It's 1:37 Am and I am tired as shiz but felt like doing this because this story has helped me cope so much, Thanks Ramona G. I wrote 8 paragraphs of this then an essay for school, I'm living the dream until it's due tomorrow. TvT. Excited for chapter seven! I remember hearing it's coming out end of April early may so I am checking in literally everyday now, super excited. This story is honestly a 10/10, it understood the assignment.


Firstly, thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a long and detailed comment! I'm so grateful for your support and I'm happy that you're enjoying the game so far 🌼💖 I'll tackle my response the same way you structured your comment 😊


I'm really glad you enjoyed the prologue! Those scenes with Ahlf (the sickness scene), Dena's scenes and the bullying were added to the prologue after Chapter 3 had been completed. I had hoped to flesh out the prologue a bit more by adding more ages for players to explore. Good news - Dena will play a major role in Part 3 and you'll meet them by Chapter 8. Dena was supposed to just be a forgotten character but after I wrote their character, I fell in love and realised I couldn't just ignore Dena 😅


Ahlf was always going to die 😬 That had been one part of the plot that I knew I had to include. As much as this is a fantasy game, I really love exploring family dynamics so the MC's relationship with their parents and especially when everything goes to hell was something I wanted to explore. I'm glad you love Irus! When the game was still a story/novel idea, he was the main love interest for the main character so you can say he has a special place in my heart. Crown was also going to be a nameless stallion until I added that scene with Irus explaining his name, so it's good to know you like our favourite horse.


Elora is definitely the BFF character I imagined her to be. She's based on another story character I created and originally was the only other love interest for the game. Chapter 2 was definitely more of a struggle to write for me, especially the political aspects since it was made up by me and I often questioned if it was going to make sense or not. I'm really glad you enjoyed meeting the family because it was also a planned moment which I had known needed to happen.


This was one of my favourite chapters to write and I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I prefer writing romance to most things and I'd be dying to include a banquet scene and balcony kisses with a particular prince 😋 Bad parents/family is the theme of the game so buckle up, it's definitely not over yet. With that said, Oren and Anu have the best family/parent dynamics with Oren's family being the closest to the MC's Vinia family.


I'm so happy that you appreciate the way the relationships are handled! To me, a good relationship isn't based on physical intimacy but trust and understanding so I knew that the sexual aspects of the romances would be secondary to the emotional connections I wanted to write. No one will be forced into doing more than they're comfortable with and it won't be an issue for any of the ROs. There is a lot of baggage with Ishari and the poor MC so I'm happy you enjoyed all the turmoil.


Anu was never planned as an RO until later in the game's writing and I had decided from the start that no RO would be an RO just for the sake of it. They needed to be relevant to the plot and play a role in the overall story, so Anu was introduced late and unfortunately will have fewer scenes with the MC than Irus would. Still, if you pursue her, you'll find that her romance will progress quickly much like Irus' and you'll start to see more of her route in Parts 3 and 4. Funnily enough, the intimacy scenes with Irus were meant to be more detailed/interactive but time was not on my side so I had to stick to basics 😅 Expect a more detailed scene when the full game is complete.


There are a lot of secrets to unearth with Salyra. When I say that you haven't learnt the full truth, trust me 👀 You'll get some answers in Chapter 7 but it'll just lead to more questions and with the way everything is structured, you'll only get to learn everything by Chapter 9/end of Part 3. So brace yourself for more angst and painful revelations 😬

Thank you for your lovely comment and know that I truly appreciate you playing and being so wonderfully detailed in your comment! Chapter 7 will be out in May 😋

I wasn't expecting anybody to read that comment (because of the size and all) especially not the author, so thanks for that pleasant surprise while I was watching a horror movie. :> With that aside I did have a question about my comment with Salyra. The more I thought about
it the more what I wrote didn't make sense, so I did the only smart thing and re read It paying a lot more attention to chapter five and six and while I can see her being like this I don't get her motive, not only that but I'm really excited for Dena- all besides the point, I know this is a demo so I wanted to know if the entire thing is going to be on browser, or if theirs going to be an eventual download option, and if it's going to be a paid experience or not. I know there's twelve chapters scheduled but i just wanted to know. I'd definitely spend money because the writing is immaculate. I'd have to say I'm mostly excited about the re introduction of Dena an where he takes this story in chapter seven. Good writing, and remember not to overwork yourself. <3


I always read and try to reply to all the comments so please feel free to add as many as you want 😊

Her motive is mostly because she thought Erlan would have killed the MC but also because of spoilers which will be brought up briefly in Chapter 7 and explained more in depth towards the middle to end of Part 3. Safety was one of the reasons but not all of her reasons 😋

The game will go up to Chapter 8 for the public demo and then up to Chapters 10 and 11 for my Patrons. Once it's completed the demo will remain as it is on and playable on browser and as an apk and I'll be publishing the full game on Steam and depending on the demand, on Google Play 😊

Great, Where can I find your patron?


Right here 😊

I played the game for five hours straight only to realize that my romance relationship with Irus was -63 :) I wish the romance options were more clear. If you flirt with other ROs does is the possibility of friendzoning increase? How do the percentages work? I chose romance responses only to be disappointed when I looked at the menu. It's time that I won't get back.


If you are not choosing flirt options, you will not increase your romance stats. For Irus, you lock in your romance only if you spend time with him on the balcony in Chapter 3 and if you don't, you're locked out of his romance because the romance lock-in scene which triggers by Chapter 4 when you speak to him will not happen so you're automatically cut off from future romance scenes with him.


SPOILERS: This is gonna be long and all over the place because I have thoughts and my nerves are irked....real bad

Honestly I called the whole "mother being alive thing" and I also kinda called what some of her "reasons/excuses" would be. Now usually with my characters I let them reconcile with their parents but for this one I decided not to. I mean my main thing was "why didn't you tell them you were alive?" which she gave her answer and imo it wasn't enough. Listen I understand you not being able to help who and when you fall in love with and having a child can be a "happy accident" but let me put this into perspective. Her (main) reasoning for staying away was because it was "dangerous" and because of the previous king hunting her down and she felt it would extend to us. Which I found ironic considering he knew about us this whole time so it was kinda pointless. Then if you want to go there it was so "dangerous" yet she decided to have a child in which they could end up possibly be forced into the same circumstances our mc was put in because of who our mother was. On top of all this the lies, the secrets, and the half truths between both parents make me glad that I made my character kinda stiff with her dad because both of them ain't it at all. Like I know that it was written in a way to make the dad seem like the bad one but naw they both trash. Especially after we find out he hid the letters of her basically letting us know she was alive. Also I would like to add because I almost forgot she literally went through our stuff. Like I understand some of the letters were hers but she still had no right. I mean imagine what else she could've went through while in our room....

To add this in right here I had a whole little laughing moment where I was like "her whole character was a lie and she couldn't even be truthful about dying".

Its crazy because I hate how in these situations they say their piece/peace idk and think that everything is suppose to magically be alright. Ummm...No our character literally thought you died and they had to live with that at a young age and in a new place where everybody seemed to hate them. Not to mention the person you left them with didn't even want them really and kinda just tolerated us. So no I don't forgive her and I made my mc pick the choice of "I may have needed a mother once when I was child but I'm older I do not need one now" or something like that. Because its true. The moment she disappeared all those years was the moment she died and my mc eventually moved on. Being the person I am I just think some things people should let go. My mc already mourned and to just pop up like everything is sweet irked the mess out of me. Especially when even after that convo "mama" is kinda how can I say this "sneaky" about stuff still even after everything and even after seeing where that "sneakiness" has gotten her. Like she inserts herself in things when we kinda already established that's not her place to do....and its annoying and not endearing at all. Likeeee don't inquire about my man Isur he was there while you weren't so scoot scoot. Shoo fly shoo. And I'm glad he stepped because she really tried it.

This is so out of order but also think about her family who think she is dead as well and tbh the energy she's gives off makes me feel like she's the type of person to ask our mc not to tell them she's alive....or at the very least say they are gonna tell them themselves but have every excuse as to why they haven't yet....

In the end no I'm not gonna blame the child and no I'm not gonna be mad at the other guy but I swear if she gives me a reason I'm gonna be petty asf. Andddd I hope in the future we can have the power of the gods and be omega strong/ stronger than our mother cough cough.

To sum it up though I will recall a choice I picked in game. "She has her life I have mine" or something like that. And I agree whole heartily when something like this happens, the way it happened I think that atp there is no room for you anymore...Its bittersweet.

And I'm aware I could have my mc suck it up but why should I? I mean the "bitter" part of "bittersweet" is her living it up with her new family.....but I'm not gonna let myself be blinded by that,

You know what I was finished and now I'm not I would like to add a suggestion for a dialogue option. Can we pleaseeee get a conversation/dialogue option where we tell our mother not to make the same mistakes with her new family as she did with us. Give her new family the mother and wife she could not be before because of circumstances caused by her and some not. Not in a mean way but a bittersweet way. Because this is really how I feel I'm not mad but I'm leaning more to the "bitter" side in "bittersweet".

I guess I should've been said this but besides that whole little situation the story is very good.

Well, damn

Yeah....It was a lot huh? I think I did pretty good though.


Thank you so much for playing ❤ I'm glad you felt so much with the reveal with Salyra. I did try to make it as emotionally charged as I could, so it's really nice to hear everything you felt about the reunion and the type of MC you chose to play.

I'm not sure if I will add the suggestion, since Salyra would never listen to the MC regarding tips on how to deal with her new family and by Chapter 7, you'll realise that both Rana and Danzor are quite happy and content with the way Salyra is with them 😋

Thank you for support and for the long comment! 🌼

I'm not usually one for these types of stories but this is honestly really good and i have thoroughly enjoyed it


I'm so happy you gave the game a try and enjoyed it! 🌼😊

I love this game ive read this 3 times now cant get enough excited for more! Thank you and keep up the hard work its amazing.


Thank you so much for playing and I'm so honoured that you've played it three times already 💗 I hope to have chapter 7 out by the end of the month or early May 😊


Wow, i feel so betrayed right now after the revelation, I'm looking forward to meeting the child though.

Perhaps MC can use holy powers too someday? 

Anu and Oren are both so sweet, in chaotically different ways and i love both, i see i will have to do two different saves soon enough when romancing either of them.

I understand MC's Mama side in the start and after but  I can't help but feel MC's anger ya know? Is wonderful game i will play again many times to see more outcomes until the next update XD

I'm glad the revelation had such a big impact for you! 😊 As for the divine blessings, you'll get your chance at learning more about them in Chapter 7.

It's definitely great to do more than one playthrough for the ROs 😂 And I'm happy that you're enjoying both Oren and Anu who are very opposite in temperaments.

Thank you so much for playing ❤ 

Really enjoying this book right now! Just wondering, why was Ellora looking at the warriors near the coaches?

Thank you so much for playing and I'm so happy you're enjoying it 😊 Elora is suspicious of the political climate of Ishari and doesn't trust the warriors. They're there to protect those in Ishari - not Elora or the main gang so she was observing their behavior for any signs of treachery.


I must say, I like Irus's route more than Sir Oren's. Irus had me blushing, squealing, and kicking my feet. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the game! Binged it actually. 


Irus is one of my favourite characters to write so I'm really glad you're enjoying his route! Oren is a bit more shy/reserved compared to Irus. Oren's route is more fluffy than flirty 😅

Thank you for playing 🌼

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